Prijedor: Land for sale in „Celpak“

Prijedor Mayor Milenko Đaković signed with the representatives of the company „Roundliner B“ d.o.o. yesterday a notarial contract for the sale of 12,000 m2 of building land within the Celpak Industrial Zone.
Specifically, the „Roundliner“ Company from the German city of Forst, in the province of Baden-Wurttemberg, addressed the Prijedor City Administration with a letter of intent expressing an interest in constructing a production and business complex for the production of PVC sacks, provided that they were allotted/sold construction land.
It is planned for the investor to build production and supporting facilities at the Celpak zone site for a period of two to three years, performing one phase at a time, of which the construction of a 1,200 m2 facility, of which 1,000 m2 of production space and 200 m2 of administrative space, is foreseen in the first phase. space.
The dynamics envisage employment of up to 25 workers in one shift in the first phase, while at full capacity the investor plans to employ 200 workers of different profiles.
Otherwise, the company currently operates in two locations, one in Germany, where it is headquartered, and another in the Czech city of Cheb, where they have the majority of production capacity and employ over 200 workers.
Market trends have made this company reorient its business strategy to BiH specifically in Prijedor, where they would realize their business plans and relocate most of their production.

Source: City of Prijedor