Goran Janković

  +387 65 514 126
  Isidore Sekulić 22 , Banja Luka

Client: Olimpic Committee B&H

Contact Information:

Contact: Izet Radjo, member of presidence

Telephone: +387 (0) 33 663 513

E-mail: info@okbih.ba

Time of Project Realization From – To (Date)

November 2008.

Project description

Education of represents of Sports association of B&H in field of intern communications

Client: GTZ & EDA

Contact Information:

Contact: Zdravko Miovičić

Telephone: +387 51 300 241

E-mail: eda@edabl.org

Time of Project Realization From – To (Date)

May 2005. 

Project description

Education of consultants of B&H in 10 modules on field of verbal and nonverbal communications

Client: Telekom Srpske

Contact Information:

Contact: Milan Gvozderac

Telephone: +387 51 240 250

E-mail: marketing.dir@telekomsrpske.com

Time of Project Realization From – To (Date)

November 2001.

Project description

Consulting on the Project of  Telekom Srpske front offices (Contact Centres) – education of front office employees and Desk Top professionals .