Banja Luka: The Ramići business zone is expanding

The city of Banja Luka will expand the Ramici Business Zone, after the capacities of the zone have been practically filled, with the construction of a plant for 15 companies, said Mayor Igor Radojicic.
During the visit to this business zone, Radojicic specified that due to the great interest of investors, only one more plot remained vacant in Ramici, which will be offered at auction.
– Apart from the main hall, which is the largest in area, practically the existing capacity of the zone will be filled. That is why we intend to further expand and in that direction, the ownership relations on the plots in the vicinity have already been resolved, which was a precondition for this activity – said Radojicic.
He pointed out that, in the case of Jelsingrad, they are currently working on changing the regulatory plan, ie dividing the land into smaller plots, which will be offered to investors, as well as preparations for the construction of the accompanying infrastructure.

БАЊАЛУКА, 6. АВГУСТА /СРНА/ – Градоначелник Бањалуке Игор Радoјичић приликом посјете Пословној зони “Рамићи”.