Regulatory plan of the Ski Center Igrišta presented – Planned construction of trails, hotels, weekend resorts and gondolas

An expert discussion was held in Vlasenica, at which the preliminary draft of the regulation plan of the winter sports and recreational center Igrišta was discussed, at which experts presented opinions and proposals with the aim of making a better and higher quality project.

The mayor of Vlasenica, Miroslav Kraljević, told reporters that the company Projekt fom Banja Luka is the bearer of all activities related to this plan, and that everything that had been planned in the past for few years was seen today.

– Through this regulation plan, which is very ambitious, everything related to the Igrište will be defined, starting with the planned contents that will be impressive – paths, roads, water supply, parking lots, hotels, weekend resorts – said Kraljević.

He said that the goal is for the ski resort to be integrated into the natural resource that exists on Mount Javor with as less capacity as possible when it comes to houses and other facilities, reports the portal

Everything else is planned to be done in the city, and in the second phase to build a gondola from Jezera over Viselac to connect the mountain – Kraljević added.

According to him, so far, the Government of the Republic of Srpska has invested around 15 million BAM in various tenders and public announcements, out of the planned around 50 million BAM.

The plan is to open the ski resort by the end of the year. It is important to purchase a six-seater elevator, which is in the implementation phase, and then add the contents, keep expanding every year – said Kraljević.

He pointed out that the wider region will feel the benefits of this project, which will start the entire economy in this area and the development of villages where infrastructure will be built.

Kraljević thanked all those who saw the importance of this project, which will be visible in the coming years when it comes to the influx of tourists, especially the Serbian member of the Presidency of BiH Milorad Dodik, President of the Republic of Srpska Željka Cvijanović, Government of Srpska and Prime Minister Radovan Višković, and the management of the Olympic Center “Jahorina”.

The general director of the company Projekt from Banja Luka, Stojan Vujatović, stated that the Igrišta are one of the great potentials in the Republic of Srpska and BiH, and that it is one of the northernmost ski resorts that will give a new perspective when it comes to skiing and other sports.

Today we are here to contribute to a better plan and realization of the project that later goes to draft, through all its facilities, including new trails, lake, snow, and equipment. We are here to try to put everything that was planned into action through planning, later through technology, as far as the construction itself is concerned, to be available – said Vujatović.

In the middle of 2020, the Government of the Republic of Srpska passed a decision by which it gave the Jahorina Olympic Center to manage the Igrišta on Mount Javor in the municipality of Vlasenica for 30 years in order to use the unique natural space for the development of winter and summer tourism.

The ski center should have three main snow trails about 4,750 meters long, and the construction of one six-seater with a total length of 820 meters and a capacity of 3,000 skiers per hour, and a conveyor belt 150 meters long, with a capacity of 1,500 skiers per hour.

The expert discussion was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Srpska, the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry of the Republic of Srpska,  the Public Institution of Water of Srpska and local companies and institutions.