Republic Agency for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises singed in November 2015. Letter of Agreement with United Nations Development Programme on the implementation of the component of the project related to Public –Private Dialogue and Partnering, Srebrenica Regional Recovery Programme Phase 4. Agency is responsible for activity for establishment of a consultative PPD forum in order to address key constraints to the private sector development and employment creation in the region.
The project intends to work with public and private sector actors in providing private sector development services to foster investments (both external and internal), innovation and entrepreneurship and strengthen micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) for further employment generation.
As part of a larger assistance framework that will be designed in cooperation with key actors in private sector development and employment, concrete interventions planned under this activity will entail support from entity and local governments, specialized public institutions and the private sector/agricultural associations itself. They will entail local active labour market measures, support to MSMEs, promotion of entrepreneurship and support to investments.
Key partners under this activity will be: municipalities, relevant line ministries, private and public enterprises and agricultural producers/farmers in the area.
Total budget for realization of this phase of the project is 153.754,00 BAM.
The expected results of the project implementation:
- The capacity of key private and public sector key players has increased in public private dialogue;
- Public and private dialogue promoted through facilitation of workshop and events;
- Conducted study tours related to public and private dialogue;
- Policy messages conveyed to local and higher level governments to advocate private sector development;
- A studies and research conducted in identified important topics to private sector;
- Public and private joint initiatives implemented;