The GRANDIS project aims to unlock the potential of female entrepreneurs and female-led SMEs in the twin-transition sectors of green and digital technologies, an area where they are currently underrepresented. By disseminating knowledge, developing gender-inclusive policies, and providing support to regional and national authorities, the project seeks to promote balanced and sustainable economic growth across European regions.
GRANDIS brings together 10 partners from across the European Union. All are committed to the project objective, bringing together different economic contexts and different policy experiences. GRANDIS creates a vibrant environment for exchange and learning ensuring active engagement of stakeholders in interregional and regional exchange activities.
The project will be implemented in the following four-year period, and is aligned with the specific goal of the Interreg Europe programme – SME competitiveness. The total project budget is 1,615,424 €.
In general, interregional cooperation within the GRANDIS project focuses on the macro areas: mentoring and ambassadors, entrepreneurial and green skills, access to finance, entrepreneurial networks, work-life balance and social protection. During the project implementation, the project partners will analyse and evaluate existing support schemes and improve their capacity to design and improve support instruments.
Thanks to interregional learning and exchange, GRANDIS lays the basis for forward-looking policies in EU regions that encourage successful twin transitions pushed by female-driven SMEs.
Project partners:
- South Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency – Hungary
- Region of Crete – Greece
- Western Development Commission – Ireland
- Public Service of Wallonia – Department Employment & Vocational Training – Belgium
- European Institute for Innovation – Technology e.V. – Germany
- Zarasai district municipality administration – Lithuania
- Development Agency of the Republic of Srpska – Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Directorate General for Innovation, Technological Development and Industrial Entrepreneurship of the Regional Government of Cantabria – Spain
- Cantabria Regional Development Agency (SODERCAN) – Spain
At a time of rapid progress in the digital and green transitions, the European Union has set very ambitious goals to mitigate climate change and address societal needs, one of which includes achieving a climate-neutral economy by 2050. In the process of these transformations, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which form the backbone of the European economy of around 25 million companies, face unique challenges, but also opportunities.
One of the most striking features of European SMEs is gender inequality. Despite their potential to drive innovation and sustainable development, women entrepreneurs are still underrepresented, especially in the areas of the “twin transition” – digital and green technologies. The gender gap in employment is costly in terms of reduced efficiency and missed innovation potential, and this under-utilization of women’s entrepreneurial potential is particularly pronounced in the European Union, where the challenges of these transitions are particularly exacerbated by gender inequalities.
Existing support structures and policies adopted at regional and national levels often neglect issues surrounding gender inequality, resulting in a lack of concrete initiatives that encourage and support female entrepreneurs in these innovative sectors. Moreover, women-led initiatives often face additional barriers, such as insufficient access to finance and resources, which further hinder and complicate their participation in the digital and green transitions.
For more information visit the official website of the project: